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Getting Started


The ActionHub API uses an APIKeyHeader authentication scheme to secure our API. An API key in the HTTP header of requests is required to access API resources. The API key is tied to a collection of ActionHub programs and provided by Data Baller to qualifying developers.

If you do not have an API key, you need to signup for one. After you register you'll be given an API key (actionhub-key for integration access) and a program id (program-id for integration scope) which identifies the scope of your ActionHub operations.

  • actionhub-key - Provides access and identifies permissions (read, write, admin, etc.) and can be associated with one or more programs.
  • program-id - Defines the scope, typically a brand, company, or business unit, associated with ActionHub resources designed to support a single optimization metric. All events, actions, segments, and customer history data are tied to a single program.

Client requests must include actionhub-key in their requests as a HTTP header. The server will process the request and return the appropriate response if the API key is valid and authorized to access the requested resource. If the API key is not valid or unauthorized, the server will return an error message (status 403 Forbidden) with the following response body:

{ "detail": "Could not validate API KEY" }


https://api.actionhub.aiProduction Environment
Coming SoonDevelopment Environment


1.0Live Production Version
  • Version numbers can be specified in the header. If not specified, the ActionHub API will respond with the latest version.

  • Header parameter name: api-version