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2023/4/18 - ActionHub Launch Announcement

· 2 min read
Darryl Kanouse

If we've worked together over the past decade, you know I have a passion for marketing technology and have been an evangelist for action-based consumer engagement. As a framework for the multi-channel orchestration of targeted brand communication that builds loyalty while driving user acquisition, adoption, and retention at scale, action-based consumer engagement is the future. This idea is coming into focus for companies exploring the "Next Best Action" concept for their customers.

With technology enablement and supporting infrastructure, it's easier for marketing organizations to understand how to implement and operationalize action-based strategies. Adopting the action-based mental model requires data and an execution methodology to ground the effort. Most marketing technologies and automation solutions on the market today, to the extent they implement personalization strategies, operate in a preference-based mode. At a high, over-simplified level, "preference-based marketing" views the customer as a collection of attributes on a journey to establishing a "buyer" attribute, whereas "action-based marketing" views the customer as a collection of goals and priorities on a journey to building trust. We can adapt these existing systems to operate in an action-based mode, leveraging their automation and delivery horsepower, using action-aligned campaign construction and integrated delivery decision-making.

To that end, I'm thrilled to announce the availability of ActionHub, a system for enabling real-time action-based consumer engagement through integrated customer action recommendations. The ActionHub recommendation models and high-performance API were developed from years of experience building engagement systems for huge companies with proven results. The platform was built to scale and with a priority on easy integration.

At the same time, the first integrated ActionHub solution, the ActionHub Shopify App, has also launched. You can easily leverage ActionHub to identify action-based segments for your marketing or sales channels if you have a Shopify store.

And if we've worked together, you also know I love talking about this stuff. Drop me a note if you want to learn more about ActionHub or action-based consumer engagement.